Hi gents, ..hope you are all well and happy ! …and maybe even getting something painted !
…today is the first time since August I can say I haven’t got something waiting for someone !
Thankyou for your support, comments, suggestions, funny emails and generally best wishes in the last few weeks. I have met quite a few new friends and had a chance to chat and share via email. I’ve still been pretty remiss at keeping this site updated, but have a fistful of new information to share, some awesome product reviews of stuff I’ve found, and some generally otherwise funny, scary and interesting stuff.
Besides a super-busy period just keeping orders met , I’ve been busy behind-the-scenes examining what we can do to improve our production, which should improve our figure-quality further and still remain pretty leanly-priced. Am keen to see this work over the next few months. ….Stay ‘tuned. We have already added about thirty new sculpts to the range and existing packs …. adding a minesweeper here , adding an ammo box there, redoing a .30cal mount somewhere else … so the packs (including new additions of M14 USMC packs) are intentionally pretty versatile and improving in content and quality as we get it all together.
Keep a lookout for future content and how-to’s on the forums (eg. good ideas for building the Mule). I’ve got some painting finished, and some more almost finished (…hahaha ! …and lots lots more I haven’t started yet ….life’s like that).
Keep a lookout for a few new things coming soon …. terrain pieces mostly … and some new trees ! I’ve frozen the tuk-tuk project for now to get started on ARVN line-infantry figures already … and have some ARVN special forces nearly ready to deploy …. more to follow !
Remember ..if you are on the east-coast USA and heading to Fall-In (15-17 November , Lancaster PA.) look for Carl of MOC who will be attending with some of the latest Flashpoint-Miniatures goodness to share. !
Take care out there !