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Howdy All !.. from Down under

Hi again gents ! … I trust this finds you well and productive. I’ve been flat out here at FPM HQ for the last two months … doing all sorts of things, have a big bunch of terrain ready, have a fist-full of new figures already in production and appearing in packs, have a dozen new ARVN sculpts finished, and am getting ready to go a-visiting in ‘Up over’ in the USA to see a few friends, and make some new ones.

I’ve got some useful terrain pieces ready …these have been a year in coming but I think you’ll be happy with the results. Built on our already super popular ‘sandbag walls’ accessory pack, we have a good selection of basic sandbagged firebase fortifications and accessories, generic weapon pits for different popular base sizes, ‘VC camp’ specific pieces and Bunkers, and a few more civilian village accessories. We have a big selection of useful terrain accessories coming, including new Sampans, village fences and ‘More useful trees’ …our second ‘trees pack’ of plantation-palm sized palm trees and small flocked trees.

I’ve also had a good survey of ‘what’s in a pack’ and ‘what do people want(/use)’ and want to improve the packs a little further now I’m also seeing how well (better) some key figures are now produced. I’d like to do ‘early war’ and ‘later war’- themed packs and could do so already …. but first … Firebase defenders ! …. I’ll also have the ARVN ready real soon and I want to get these in action before changing things around too much… and it might irritate the stockists. Hahahaha!

But before any of this … I’m off … for a few weeks !… I’ll be back after the Easter weekend but I’ll not be processing any new orders until the 21st April. Thankyou for your patience.

But looking forward to getting back ! … a ton of new stuff to share !

… so everyone get some painting done !     and  May all of your mail turn up in good time !





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