Greetings Gents,
Well, I’ve finished the ‘ARVN Ranger/Paratroop Rifle Platoon’ and got it on the shelves and listed on the website, and added a few accessory items and NVA armoured vehicle crews. ..what to next ?
My immediate plans WERE to do a little more production room work to improve things like bases on some of the US Army figures that I think could be better, and while I’m at it get a few more cavities on popular figures happening while I’d be making new moulds. ..Yes that’s all coming ..but I really want to paint a bunch of stuff up for myself ..oh yeah, I mean for illustrating the upcoming ruleset with nice looking examples using Flashpoint (and friends’) figures, (…that are of a little bit better ‘grade of presentation than the bulk of figures of various manufacturers that I have prepared already.) I’m from the generation of wargamer that didn’t flock bases as a matter of course … nowadays the ‘standard of presentation is much higher than it used to be. ..and what’s the point of owning a miniatures company and then sending my beautiful figures to someone else to paint …?
So I’m planning on doing a bit of painting .. see if I can get all the pics on the website prepared better (or at all). Yes I keep saying this .. but then go and do something else …up ’till now. Cheers for you pateince ..and reminders !
New stuff ? ….My designer mate is more than half way through is the CH34 ‘Choctaw’ helicopter model, I’ve mastered a three wheel ‘tuk-tuk’ vehicle and a Peugeot (Saigon) taxi for the civilians. And have commissioned three ‘technical’ models for the UltraModerns. all coming soon … but no timeline guesses as yet, but all more than half-way…. started.
New distraction (only in the last few days really) is a selection of US Cargo and Gun-trucks as a for production project.
Hmmm! ….?How hard could it be ?
03 March 2015.