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Flashpoint Miniatures expanding ranges of 15mm goodness !

Hi Gents,

Another few weeks and months have flown past, and a lot has been happening since I posted in June. Firstly we’ve been pretty busy with some pretty cool looking ARVN and USMC armies and ‘Village terrain’ going out the door.  The ‘Checkpoint kit’ (TER-11) has been the runaway favourite terrain item, along with the ‘VC Bunkers’. …. Thankyou much for your business, kind feedback, and cool pics !

Our own figure remastering and re- production-moulding schedule is moving ahead really well.       I am now producing more and better cast figures than ever before. We have invested in quite a few new production moulds for our biggest turnover ranges, some of which were ‘remastered’ a little (to improve bases mostly, or rectify persisting casting difficulties)… so now I can offer a better looking range of fantastic figures, some of which have been out of circulation for a while it seems. Some items I used to have trouble producing , now produce very well. I have also filled a lot of gaps in little details such as heavy weapon accessories and civilian ‘clutter’ , and produce more items I wanted such as more casualty tokens (now for  M14 USMC and ANZAC ) …I am already passing this on in more interesting and useful combinations in the composition of various packs. Funnily enough, this also means I’m looking to reduce prices of some things (or pack more and better) because I am now producing much more efficiently. Watch this space !

We’ve recently been collaborating with Gomi Designs in England to make a series of  “crew and weapons” figures for their expanding range of Vietnam Riverine boats. Tim at Gomi Designs has a PBR , a Light SEAL Support Craft (LSSC) , and a much, much awaited ‘Swift Boat’ (PCF) also very near production. Tim is planning a Medium SEAL Support Craft (MSSC) next with a LCM-8 planned thereafter. Watch this space. I’m looking to provide gunner options for the PACV from Gomi designs very soonly too


The ‘Leading Elements’ Tactical Rules project is very advanced and I should be posting a lot of it on the forums here in the next month.  …Thankyou for your feedback and “Comradely good fellowship” in scrutinizing and shaping these.  A lot of good observations, information and advice have been offered here. Thankyou ! The Army List sections have come together well, and a miniCampaign test run has been scheduled for a loong weekend in November. Stay tuned, will share pics !

warwick west 2a

Thanks again to all for keeping the Flashpoint Miniatures shop-floor pretty busy recently, and an enjoyable place to work ! ……..Yes ! ..still have lots of new things coming …. more SEALs and ARVN , Riverine/boat crews, civilian ‘tuk-tuk’, Saigon taxi, modular ‘hard’ buildings, terrain remasters, LVTP5 remaster, M113 remasters, a CH34 Choctaw, ‘technicals’ for the Ultramodern troops … most of which exist already and are just waiting for a chance to be prepared for production. …The concurrent ‘Rules project has slowed me down a bit here.

I have been busy making piles of gaming-ready terrain for this coming November. Found some cool things,… will share !

Great days ! Good things closer ! … Woohoo !  November coming !


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