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15mm Vietnam Wargaming Goodness dominates the world this June !

Hi Gents,

Yes ! …back from a short trip to Vietnam and home unscathed ! … Have been characteristically busy since returning home , …. apart from catching up on my ‘day job’, tending to farm chores  and unpacking treasure;  I have been immediately busy mastering some crew figures for my friend Tim at Gomi Designs (these are already on the way to be master moulded so stay ‘tuned, …see link at the bottom of this page), … plus some new SEAL figures, a few ‘Mike-force’ figures, plus some improvements to some of our current US Army figures.

Also …  I’ve been using many photos from the trip to master some new modular ‘hard’ buildings for the Vietnam wargames table. These will have lift-off rooves and are designed to ‘stack’ to make multiple-story structures such as town/city shops and larger buildings with a “French-colonial” appearance in a number of combinations. I’m excited about this project as it was one of the original terrain projects started back in early 2013, but ummmm… ‘M14 Marines, Mechanical Mules, Amtracks, Firebase fortifications, VC fortifications, 38 new figures and another fifteen recent ARVN figures have all taken precedence. ….Hahaha ! I need more hours in the ‘day, days in the ‘week, weeks in the ‘month ……

For those following the ‘rules project I’m just about to update the current (January 2015) draft and will disseminate more widely and begin posting in the ‘forums’ section of this site. Feedback, comments and criticisms are invited. I’ve got some cool looking AAR’s to show you too !

Better get busy !

06 June 2015.

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