Greeting 15mm Vietnam Wargaming Gentlemen , to 2021 . !

Happy New Year to all ! I am hoping that you are well, safe and happy (in a healthy way) at this time.
Thankyou for your well wishes and comradely good fellowship over the last few weeks and months and year or so ( going back seven or eight) . I am fortunate that I get o ‘chat’ with / to a lot of people across various countries , situations and experiences. From ordinary people across Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, England , Ireland, Scotland , USA , Canada , Spain., France , Netherlands, Germany , Poland, Czech R , Bahrain, Delhi, Singapore , Jakarta, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan , Sth Korea, Japan and Vietnam I regularly hear first-hand street-level news from (and get to ask questions) .
I hear that for the most of it my friends across the world are doing ok with respect to the challenges of health, lockdowns, job changes, finances, managing children or dependents and general clarity/sanity. There have been a few losses along the way , (…mostly to sanity hahaha! ) but overall I would like to believe we are all doing well enough to get through these challenging times in good shape. Despite the bad press. Remember to look after yourself (in a healthy way) and look in on the humans around you too . Hygiene (including mental hygiene) is important.

I am back on deck in the Flashpoint Factory and Shop after a few weeks of prioritizing digging drainage and repairing landslips after recent heavy rain and flooding where I am . The workshop has had a great clean (hahaha!) , and I have some new items to post up in the shop. I am still responding to some mail / email from over my (waterlogged ditch-digging) holidays , there has been a bit ! …. thankyou Gents !

Lots of great stuff to share ! I am looking forward to what positives this year has in store !
If you haven’t already found this Community please come and say hello. This the watering hole of the most experienced collective of Gentlemen Vietnam Wargamers and generally good chaps in the internet chat rooms ;
and/ or for those surrendered to the social media platform of Facebook , you can find many of the old faces and some new ones too at an alternate RV here ;
or send me an email here (which gets to me sooner than leaving a comment through the shop website )
All the very best for 2021 !
See you out there . Good gaming !