I hope this finds you well, safe and happy.
I am back from cleaning, counting and sorting, I have restocked and have cleared the decks of waiting pre-orders and have been firing the forges up again. For all sorts of reasons (my other job is as a health professional and my other job is a landholding farmer ..both very busy right now too) … I have not completed as many behind-the-scenes-tasks as I would have liked to, but I have had a few enquiries asking if I am Ok and ; yes ! .. I am ready, reinforced and resupplied to be processing new orders.
Thankyou to our patient customers over the last few months, things (like postal services) are taking longer than they usually do. But we have been fortunate to post and freight orders away in a timely way and (so far) to account for everything heading your way. Likewise some of your bigger purchasing projects / ‘pre-orders’ have stretched me and in some cases ‘destocked’ me as soon as I’ve restocked ! hahaha! … but I welcome seeing your projects and will accommodate your special and sometimes larger requests as I can.

Thankyou to our old and new friends who have shared some great pics of what their lockdown projects have entailed. There has been some great work getting done. I very much enjoy how other people make their armies and terrain come to life. I learn a lot from seeing other ideas and approaches that I would not have thought of. There is a great value in sharing ideas, I hope you enjoy this too. Find the Vietnam Wargming communities through here https://www.facebook.com/groups/FieldsofFireRedux/ and here https://fieldsoffire.forumotion.com/
I have lots to share ! , there will be a few tweaks here and there to what we are offering in the larger platoon packs, … all good . I want to offer some ‘rifle squad packs’ to be able to buy line infantrymen in a more flexible way, and offer some heavy weapons and specialist troops in a similar way. I am also hoping to bundle up some firebase fortifications and introduce appropriate terrain bundles for VC or NVA basecamps, and more to follow.

So please, Yes ! I welcome you to say hi and see if there’s anything I can help you with. These are interesting times and a great opportunity to get some interesting wargaming projects done.
Ventilate your painting space often. Get up and walk around and talk to other humans and family members occasionally.
Keep staying well safe and happy. Remember to breathe and drink water regularly.
All the best for now