Hi all ,
I hope your lockdown experience is treating you nicely , and you are maybe even getting your chosen projects done. I’ve been really busy here in the packing shed over the last two months ! .. Thankyou !
I have made some new friends and seen some interesting new projects over the last few months , and I really enjoy seeing how you are painting and deploying your Flashpoint miniatures and terrain. There are some really cool wargaming and scenery making projects out there to be shared .
We have a few “new” things we would like to get finished , so are closing the shop for a few weeks to finish what we need to , do some restocking (we hadn’t been able to keep up with, because we have been too busy packing and mailing stuff out the door) , get a bit of ‘painting’ done (you will see) , and prepare for some busy times ahead. I plan to open the shop at the start of July. I have only two orders to finish and get out the door .
I sincerely hope you are all travelling well and happy through these lifetime events retaining your physical and mental health as well as a good attitude to life the universe and everything. I am lucky to have my young family around me, I still get to do plenty of walking, and I have plenty to get done. I watch the news but don’t get too carried away by things. I think this helps.
Some good news !!
… If you are looking to connect to other avid Vietnam Wargamers an old favourite veteran wargaming website has recently risen like a Phoenix , you can visit it here ; https://fieldsoffire.forumotion.com/ ; be careful of the guys in Hawaiian shirts.
… If you are active on Facebook you can find the FB group here ; https://www.facebook.com/groups/FieldsofFireRedux/ ; and you can find links to the FB sites of the popular rules such as ‘NAM and ‘Charlie Don’t Surf’.
Hope to see you out there
want to say ‘Hi’ ? my best contact email is jimmi@flashpoint-miniatures.com
All the best for now
Flashpoint Miniatures