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July ’24 Jimmi back on deck !

Hi all,

I’ve just had a few weeks off for travel and meeting (and hosting ) friends. I’m now back in the saddle here in the packing shed at Flashpoint Miniatures and ready to be firing up the forges . Thankyou for your patience , Thankyou for your best wishes and enquiry . All very good .

I’ve been busy behind the scenes responding to a raft of great suggestions from favourite 15mm Vietnam wargamers to expand our offerings a bit further based on gaming experience. I’ve added  four new packs of figures and a new terrain item and extended or modified another six packs of figures , and two terrain bundles . I have five new platoon packs (24 + pieces) of figures I need to add to the catalogue , plus add another three squad packs (of 10-12 pieces). Thankyou for the excellent suggestions and discussion to help this take place . I have learned a lot I didn’t know .

The MACV-SOG RECON TEAM and HATCHETT FORCE PLATOON packs are further  explored and expanded . I am now offering on MACV-SOG Hatchett Platoon with ENEMY WEAPONS AND UNIFORMS,   along with a machine-gun Heavy HATCHETT FORCE PLATOON intended for raiding targets of opportunity or acting as a rescue force . I want to add some heavy weapons teams (60mm Mortar , 75mm Recoilless rifle and additional machineguns ) for players planning an trail interdiction battle.

Facing them will be an expanded platoon pack of NVA COUNTER-RECON PLATOON (26 pieces) protecting a evised and expanded NVA REAR SERVICES TROOPS  (now 24 pieces ) and a to being reinforced by further NVA RIFLE PLATOONS  the battle to prevent the Recon Teams from escaping . Add to this the two “VC / NVA REAR / FORWARD BASE CAMP Terrain Bundles , and I hope you have everything you need for some fearsome battles “ across the fence “. The NVA HQ PLATOON , has also gained a 61mm Mortar team , improving its indirect firepower but also signalling ability to deploy flares .

I’ll have some photos up soon .

In what I see as a long wanted revision of the US ARMY  and USMC HQ Packs , I’ve added a US version of what has been popular with the ANZ  range . Two new packs ; US Army Engineers and USMC Engineers ; both working to the same formulae of a Platoon Command element , a pair of minesweeper elements , a pair of demolitions /firing point elements and markers and a pair of tracker dog elements , also two additional super-handy ‘rope pullers’ who make an excellent ‘demining’ piece (or have proven useful to indicate a “temporary ‘rope bridge” for a river crossing game) plus a machinegun team for security . These Engineer Teams will give your troops the abilities to track , detect and destroy the enemy infrastructure. Particularly intended for games where finding / destroying caches is the task , also useful for ‘route clearance’ tasks .   *Accordingly each of the US ARMY and USMC HQ Packs will be reduced to a single minesweeper/demolition team/tracker dog team.

The new Terrain item is CIDG/PF STRATEGIC HAMLET FORTIFICATION PALISADE WALLS a dozen palisade walls these are intended to augment the CIDG /PF STRATEGIC HAMLET FORTIFICATIONS Terrain Bundle . Simple tabletop experience has shown how useful these are in providing deliberate tabletop obstacles and cover.

So ! .. a lot is new ! …. I’ll aim to have some photos to show soonest .  

Further Packs planned to be released soon ;

NVA WPNS PLATOON ( 61mm Mortar , 57mm Recoilless Rifle , 12.7mmAAMG )

ANZ WPNS PLATOON ( 106mm Recoilless Rifles , .50cal HMG , )


ARVN 81mm MORTAR PLATOON ( 2X 81mm Mortars , 1 x 60mm Mortar )





The first ‘coming soon’ ; NVA WEAPONS PLATOON is intended to expand the hands-on heavy weapons available by providing a ; 61mm Mortar Team, a pair of 57mm Recoilless Rifle teams and a 12.7mm AAMG team. .. This will be a ‘weapons platoon’ source for the   NVA SAPPER COMPANY which was originally intended to have a heavy-weapons component . The Weapons Platoon will be immediately useful to any Company level NVA Infantry Unit .

The final ‘coming soon’ “BLUES PLATOON” subject is organised as based on the experiences of the oral history of Kregg Jorgensen in his book “Acceptable Loss” . I am looking forward to this .

Back in the saddle , getting stuff done , good stuff here and good stuff coming.

More to follow