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Hi Gents ! .. this is Jimmi , (late) September 2021

Greeting Gents ; I hope this finds you well and happy .

Well I’ve just had about 9 weeks in some level of domestic administrative hell here ; so nearly everything I thought I would have done at this stage is still waiting . I should not have mocked Murphy’s law in the last post.  I apologise to Murphy .

? New item ? …. the Observation guntruck !

… you name it ; injuries (not mine) , no running water , CoVid lockdowns , a house electrical fire (all OK! ), large python removals , made-in-China internet hackers, some big winds, normal phone-and-internet provider problems (big winds didn’t help) , school holidays… and the return of high fire danger conditions , have all dominated my attention in the last few months.

I had to let my self-appointed security manager go !

Regardless , I’ve still managed to get stuff done and get a few special requests away .

.. so all good ; will keep moving forward .  … these obstacles are all the small stuff .

Right now I have no internet at my home or office ; so I’ve had to come into public library in our local town to post this . Accordingly I will still be a little more ‘away from the Keyboard’ until our local phone-and-internet provider extracts their firmly-wedged digit.

I have one more week of kids home on school holidays , and then I’ll be able to finish off these remaining Flashpoint reorganization projects, get back to some semblance of normalish routine and actually be able to let you know about it .

Thankyou for your comradely-good-fellowship over this time . Thanks for all the great conversations out there and continued custom, support and best wishes . .. Great to see what you are doing !

Out for now .


Flashpoint Delta Force and Rangers doing their best ‘smash-and-grab’ !