Greetings to all ! , I hope this finds you well and happy and productive wherever you are . I hope you are well placed for 2022 ! This month is getting away from me already , Day 19 !
Thankyou for all your best wishes and correspondence over the last few weeks and months ! I am privileged to hear and share stories from all over the globe . I feel fortunate for my circumstances here in my Mountain valley relative to many other situations. Regardless of some trying circumstances , there are some great 15mm Vietnam wargaming projects getting done out there , thankyou for sharing . I have had some collectors being pretty busy in new directions. .
I’ve been slow to get what is now (in retrospect) a huge bunch of new items together . Eleven “Squad” packs , eight “Specialist Platoons” and six new “Terrain Bundles” (mostly fortifications) have been occupying the headspace and tablespace at the moment ,, for starters because they are production-ready . There is a considerable amount of new items ready to be released , and some old favourites are back . Two of the ‘pilot’ specialist Platoons (Base Defenders and US Cavalry) have been really well received over the last year, so we are encouraged we are on the right track here .
So ; all very good for now ; am moving forward , and many new things to share in a ‘sec . Let me get back to it .
Stay tuned
More to follow