Greetings most excellent gentlemen .
I’ve just been away from FPM for a few weeks but am now happily back to the packing shed !
By way of brief explanation ; in my primary profession, I am a Physical Therapist (or “Physio” in our Australian dialect ) who since 1999 has had keen interest (and hands-on clinical practice and consultancy ) in the field of children with Autism and other related Neuro-Developmental disabilities.
I’ve just been involved in a ‘once-every-five-years’ academic project to update the national ‘diagnostic guidelines’ that determine how (and by whom) Autism is diagnosed, and what happens afterwards , including access to funding for families who need it. This has been a collaborative project where I have been academic-ing well above my ‘pay grade’, so I’ve had to focus diligently on all the reading and writing I need to do to keep up and make a worthwhile contribution to this . My immediate role here is done , I’ve been honoured to even be invited onto the team to walk with (behind) the giants, and our submission is now in the hands of the serious career Medical academics, lawyers and bean counters .
So… back to something more fun than reading medical journals and writing into the late night.

I already have a few orders waiting ; including some sizeable ones that have been waiting for a few weeks already , but I am back in the saddle here at Flashpoint Miniatures and I’ll get these waiting orders moving. Thanks for your patience and comradely-good-fellowship so far. I am looking forward to the work I have ahead.
All the best
Flashpoint Miniatures