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Hi all , Welcome to 2018 ,

Hi all,

Welcome to 2018 ! .., we have had a really busy holiday period and filled some really interesting orders ! Thankyou for keeping us busy (no really …hahaha!) , and thanks for some of the excellent feedback and shared projects I have seen recently. Thankyou, Gracias ,  for the many emails and photos .

I’ve got a heaps of stuff to share ;

If you hadn’t seen already ; the LVTP5 and LVTH6 are back with an improved master. I do have the ‘Palm trees’ pack back in stock and the ‘Jungle trees’ pack has sold well but with only a few left already (but I will restock very soon). I have added the terrain grids and need to restock these too ..only two left as of right now.  I haven’t yet got the new cemetery terrain set or new sampans ready yet , but they are awaiting the right moment for production-casting.

I am just about to split the MACV/SOG ‘Hatchett Force’ into two . Now I will offer an eighteen man MACV/SOG Patrol (think ‘Project Delta’) with a few US advisors and smaller indigenous LRRP troops , and a small heavily armed ‘rescue’ (or ‘ambush’) force .  …and .. add a MIKE Force pack (think also ‘CIDG Striker’ or “Border Rangers” ) of 18 heavily armed local/’indig’ troops a few US advisors , … with their sleeves rolled up and loaded with ammo , …. ready to drop into anything with guns blazing .

I’m also about to add ;

NVA Sappers ( a long time coming ! , I haven’t painted these myself yet ; can’t wait) , NVA Medics and casualties  ( completely as a result of needs from gaming experience , you need these guys to drag your casualties off the table, plus ‘walking wounded’ you don’t want captured) ,  FWF Engineers (incl; minesweepers, dog-search teams, …again useful as the result of gaming experience ) , FWF Base Defenders (machinegun teams and RTO, to man your defences) , US Army ‘Mechanised Cavalry’ (to ‘mount’ in your ACAV Platoons), and a US Army M40 RCL Support Platoon ,… as ‘Platoon’-sized packs (like we already do)

..BUT … according with popular request I want to offer ‘squad’ packs of 8 to 12 figures so you can customise your forces more economically . Keep a lookout ! Lots more to come !

I’m also looking to change the way I do standard packaging , this is because if I can keep smaller orders thinner and lighter,  I can maybe save you a bunch on postage. I’ve been trying this out with well known customers who  give me good working feedback (many thankyous) and I reckon this will work fine. You should see postage prices come down at lower, smaller weight thresholds.

For those who are following this ; The “Leading Elements” Rules project is maturing nicely. We hope to have a stripped-down version and basic data tables in your hands very soon. Probably… also available (free) on Kindle ! We have been playtesting stuff wonderfully, ruthlessly well , and am having some good confirmatory success at dovetailing layers of rules together. and keeping it simple, readable and reference-able. ( The TOE and data charts are 1000% better looking and readable than they were even  3/12 ago.) (! Awesome 😉  ) This is taking longer than we keep thinking , and we are keen to share , but really worth doing right. We are seeing this with the easy complexity the ‘game’ seems to allow, and we have a few things to do , fix, rewrite as of right now ,.. but it’s getting where we want it to be.

as well as being busy in the Flashpoint ‘shop’ and posting stuff away,  plus making new stuff and replacing old stuff , and me being a social songbird of Happiness in 15mm Vietnam wargaming, …we will get this done .. Hahaha!

I think this will be another big year for 15mm Vietnam wargaming !

… I don’t know if you have been noticing , but it’s been quiet out there in the jungle ,… it has been quiet for too long , something ‘real big must be about to happen . (..and it’s the 50th anniversary of the 1968 Tet Offensive )

If you are on Facebook come and see where the “Fields of Fire” forums have moved to… a great place to discuss Vietnam wargaming with Vietnam wargamers .

all the best for the New Year !



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