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Flashpoint Miniatures update 2024

Hi all, welcome to 2024 !

My last few weeks over Christmas and New Year have been punctuated with the usual Australian Summer countryside festivities ; shopping expeditions (primarily for seafood) , visits to and from nearby relatives , torrential rain and local flooding with some roads cut , eating and drinking too much , helping local neighbors flooded out or flooded in , some family interstate travel to less-nearby relatives (who by coincidence has just recovered from their cyclonic rain and local flooding), more eating and drinking, an overly friendly giant python , and a paralysis tick. 

.. At least my snake problems solved my mouse and rat problem. Summertime in Australia !  

I’m now just back to the packing room and factory floor and have to first catch up on some already waiting orders. So, I’m back on deck from now, subject to seasonal disasters and support demands of my teenage daughters (one of which is about to move away interstate to begin University in about a fortnight).

Never fear ! I have about half of the already waiting orders nearly ready to post , I have to do a pile of urethane casting of fortification pieces in the space where I have some tarps and tents strung up drying (/dried) but other than this I’m ready to go . I even have a new fan and a set of speakers for the packing shed.  Great days ahead !

I hope you are looking forward to 2024 . See you soon .

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All the best
